“The secret of the RETORIKA method is that it adapts to suit every specific case. We do not pretend to have ready-made solutions, because our approach is, above all, ultra-pragmatic: we work as close as possible to the reality of your company, on real cases.
For over 20 years, our partners have been selecting and improving the best techniques and tried-and-tested fun-learning tools, enabling us today to offer you an extremely effective methodology for training your staff in the various stages of negotiations, like athletes warming up before competing.
Because if champions follow training programs before their big days, then sales advisors should all do so too in order to win their sale-closing contests. At Retorika, we offer directors, managers, and field teams the possibility of learning how to train and practice effectively in order to notch up small and large victories one after another. Step up into the ring with us, and you will see the result in your next sales figures!”
Virgil Benyayer
Founder of Retorika
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